EximBank, long term partnership with Romanian exporters
Bucharest, May 3, 2012 – EximBank may be considered as a valuable long term partner for Romanian companies, as it is the case of the cooperation between the Bank and Minitehnicus, a company located in Timisoara which has been the Bank’s client since 2001.
”EximBank may be a valuable partner on the long run for any type of business and the cooperation for 11 years that the Bank has with Minitehnicus is only one success story that we wish to see multiplied. Just recently, the Bank prolonged a revolving credit line by a year and also increased its value with Euro 100,000 for the working capital. We encourage the Romanian entrepreneurs to approach EximBank and conclude from their own experience that we have a flexible business strategy that allows us to actively respond to the economic challenges as well as to specific clients’ requests”, declared Ionut Costea, President of EximBank.
Minitehnicus has been established in 1999 and is a company active in the field of wood crafts, especially acacia. The company is producing wood objects such as flooring, terraces, specific structures for terraces and roofs to be used both inside and outside. The whole production is exported, the company being exclusive supplier for acacia wood objects for a series of well-known European companies.
”The facility granted by EximBank allowed us to ensure the necessary raw materials since its acquisition (mainly acacia) is difficult due to strict legal regulations regarding the time limits in the field of forestry. This means we have to pay upon delivery implying a consistent financial burden due to the long production cycles of our products. We are delighted to continue our long cooperation with EximBank a bank that we chose due to its lower costs as compared to other banks and the flexible currency facilities that is offering”, declared Daniela Matesan, administrator of the company.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
The Bank is offering to the Romanian exporters a complete package of financial instruments allowing them both to develop their business and reduce risks related to their activity.
EximBank supports export activity from the production stage to delivery and cashing of the counter value of the exported goods by:
– credits (covering costs of producing or delivering goods);
– export guarantees (for general goods, stimulation of complex objectives realization, products with long production cycles);
– ensuring credits for export production activity, the medium and long term export credits and the buying credit;
– commercial information about the business partners.
Companies interested in EximBank products may address their queries to the territorial units of the Bank in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva, Iasi and Sibiu or may get information via www.eximbank.ro.