Exim – Banca Romaneasca

Deposits guarantee

Exim Banca Romaneasca is part of the credit institutions participating in the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund – FGDB whose depositors benefit from the guarantee of deposits established with it, by paying compensations, within the guarantee ceiling and under the law.

The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund guarantees bank deposits in case of insolvency of a credit institution. If the bank where the deposits are established can no longer return to depositors the amounts deposited, FGDB ensures the payment of compensations.

List of deposits excluded from guarantee

Depositors information form 

Information to depositors on deposits guarantee and List of deposits excluded from guarantee

General Business Conditions for Corporates

General Business Conditions for Individuals

Form for the information provided to depositors

List of deposits excluded at the bank guarantee

More details on guaranteeing bank deposits in case of insolvency of a credit institution can be found on the website of the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund: http://www.fgdb.ro/


The Insurance – Reinsurance company Exim Romania specializes in covering financial risks both for export operations and internal commercial transactions.

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