EximBank continues the internship program for AES students
Bucharest, September 29, 2015 – EximBank will continue this year the internship program implemented in cooperation with the Faculty for Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange (FFIBSE) of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, after closing its first stage with permanent hiring of two master students, announced yesterday Traian Halalai, Executive President of EximBank, during the opening classes ceremony at FFIBSE.
”You are now in a stage when everything seems possible but for your aspirations to become true you need theoretical guidance and, in my opinion, most importantly, support from practice. You need someone that will connect you to the real banking world, the real finance, to trust you and to see in you the real professional potential. This is the reasoning for EximBank’s institutional decision to get more involved in educational projects”, said Traian Halalai.
The EximBank’s representative has underlined the fact that the bank showed interest in various projects that either targeted the education of future consumers of financial products and services and the entrepreneurial development or supported the teaching and research activityfor developing the students’ capabilities.
”The internship program implemented with the Faculty for Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange allowed us to get in touch with young people looking for improving their education in order to become independent and able to perform. We wanted students having fresh ideas and the specific energy to become part of the up-grading process of the bank and here we are today, having two of the participants from last year permanently hired in EximBank. The success of the first stage of the program encourages us to continue it this year,” added Traian Halalai.
During the first stage of the program three master students from the Faculty for Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange have been selected and have started working in the bank in January 2014. The program lasted for 12 months and at the end two participants became part of the EximBank’s team.
EximBank is a specialized institution actively involved in supporting and promoting the Romanian business environment by offering its financial instruments to local companies’ projects. It started out as an export agency but, in time, it has gradually enlarged its scope of work, at present the bank supporting by its specific instruments in financing, guarantees and insurance any company, either SMEs or corporations, involved in international transactions or present only on the local market.
Additional details on the products: www.eximbank.roor informatii@eximbank.ro