EximBank – almost 30 Mln Lei profit in the first semester
Bucharest, July, 15 2013 – EximBank has registered a gross profit of almost 30 Mln Lei after the first six months of this year, double as compared to the respective data for the entire year 2012 as per the preliminary financial reporting.
”We have set as an objective for 2013 the organic growth, linking the development of our activity with an increase of the efficiency levels of resources usage. The actions we took at the end of last year and the beginning of this one, aiming at repositioning the bank, have been successful so that at the end of the first semester EximBank has registered an increase of the banking income with almost 5% as compared to the same period of 2012, whilst the operational costs have been reduced by 15%”, declared Traian Halalai, President of EximBank.
He added the improvement of the bank’s commercial activities is obvious, the total exposure of EximBank on its own name and account being with 22% higher than at the end of last year.
”The crediting activity has improved overall during the first six months, this line of business being more active than the guarantees segment proving that the corporate sector starts to see in EximBank a viable source of financing not only an endorser for the credits granted from other commercial banks. We have the capacity of playing on equal terms with the other banks in the system and we benefit from the strength of having a competitive level of costs. This is why we are confident we will also close this year ranking on the profitable banks group”, added Traian Halalai.
During the first semester, the bank has changed the commercial structure and has implemented an organizational concept based on regional directors coordinating sales at national level. This process went along with the network expansion, three new units being launched in la Galati, Ploiesti and Pitesti.
Also, EximBank has launched an on line application allowing the users of www.eximbank.roto find out using their own computer whether they pre-qualify for accessing a credit line as well as the amount that they might be granted.
By launching this new facility, EximBank is one of the few banks on the market able to offer such an instrument to the corporate segment. During the first two months after launching the application more than 2000 users have accessed the dedicated page.
In order to consolidate the relationship with the business environment EximBank has organized a series of meetings with businessmen from various areas of the country, reaching out to almost 250 representatives of the corporate segment.
”Local business communities have been very receptive to our initiative and I would like to thank them for that. We intend to base our activity in EximBank on modern business principles but we are aware that we cannot obtain that without getting to know better our counterparties and without their feedback. This is why together with our colleagues in the country we are in the process of gaining a better insight on our clients, of presenting our offer and of finding out what they expect from us”, also said the President of EximBank, who added that this project will continue during the second part of the year.
The network expansion project will continue during the following six months as well by the opening of another two units in the shortest term possible.
The bank is looking at the increasing the efficiency of its activities by optimizing the working flows and re-shaping the client support departments as well as the development and launching of new products.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
The Bank has a network of 15 units in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Buzau, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Deva, Galati, Iasi, Oradea, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Timisoara and Sibiu; also, interested companies may access additional information on www.eximbank.ro.