EximBank cooperates with Rasheed Bank for easing the access of Romanian companies on Iraqi market
Bucharest, September 25, 2013 – EximBank will offer to Romanian companies an investment guide for entering Iraqi markets following a cooperation agreement signed with Rasheed Bank, one of the biggest banking institutions in Iraq.
„Romanian companies are highly interested in the Iraqi markets and EximBank has set a priority out of the efforts to facilitate the development of Romanian projects in the area. This is why, following a meeting with an economic delegation from Iraq, we convened that, under the framework of the governmental efforts to intensify the commercial exchanges between the two countries, Rasheed Bank will provide to EximBank an foreign investment guide comprising all the necessary information for starting investment projects and which will be made available to Romanian companies.”, declared Traian Halalai, President of EximBank.
He added that during the same meeting both EximBank and Rasheed Bank have shown interest in establishing a correspondent banking relationship.
”The talks we had emphasized the fact that Iraqi market offers important opportunities for Romanian companies especially in the automotive and construction industries. I do believe it is important that Romanian entrepreneurs are aware of the fact that EximBank holds in its portfolio instruments able to support the expansion of the Romanian companies operations abroad – the buying of shares issued by a foreign company for instance, as well as their involvement in projects – such as building a gas pipeline, modernizing factories or building auto montage facilities.”, added Traian Halalai.
EximBank has developed and is offering complex integrated solutions for exporters and companies looking to expand their operations abroad, similar to any other ECA (Export Credit Agencies), such as:
Guarantees for participating in biddings, guarantees for reimbursement of the advance payment made by importers, good execution guarantees, insurance policies for cashing the export contracts with delayed payments.
Insurance policies for buyer credits granted by the banks to the importers for paying goods/services coming from Romania.
Insurance policies for the Romanian investments abroad.
Companies may get additional information on www.eximbank.ro.