EximBank extends its cooperation with patronal organizations
Bucharest, May 10, 2012 – EximBank and Romanian Patronal Organization have concluded an agreement meant to ensure the support for the current activity of Romanian business owners, in order to maintain and create new jobs and to foster investment projects that will ensure the long term development of their businesses.
„EximBank wishes to act as a valuable partner of the business environment and one of the most efficient channels to convey information towards Romanian companies we could identify is the patronal organizations, therefore considering intensifying our cooperation with them. As per the cooperation agreement signed with the Romanian Patronal Organization, its members will benefit from a package of facilities consisting in specific finance and banking consultancy as well as adapted offers in very advantageous terms. I am deeply convinced that having the support of the Romanian business owners, information on the ways EximBank may support the development process of Romanian companies will reach the target audience faster and much more easily and the interested parties will find along with the Bank’s consultants the finance, guarantees or insurance products that best suit their activity” declared Ionut Costea, President of EximBank.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
”The Romanian Patronal Organization is the sole national representative of Romanian business owners form 24 economic sectors and has as main objective promoting the idea of private companies and market economy the only possible domain that has growing potential. Due to the fact that we are dedicated to support through specific means the activity of our members, we consider the signing of this agreement with EximBank as a step forward toward facilitating their access to the financial instruments needed in their current activity” stated Gheorghe Naghiu, President of Romanian Patronal Organization.
Signing the agreement with the Romanian Patronal Organization is part of the strategy EximBank has in order to promote its products and services through the representative business organizations. Up until now, similar agreements have been signed with the Romanian Association of Exporters and Importers, most of the Chambers of Commerce in the country as well as with the Romanian Association of the Bilateral Chambers of Commerce.