EximBank gives a hand to the financing of company Nutrientul
Bucharest, November 15 – EximBank has extended to the company of Bihor county Nutrientul SA a guarantee worth Euro 1.5 million required for a loan devoted to the purchase of raw materials used in fodders production.
With EximBank as a guarantor, Nutrientul – the third producer of intensive fodders and animal food in Romania, also the only company with full Romanian capital of top 3 – shall be able to access financing of about Lei 14 million with another commercial company.
„The decision of making easier the extension procedures related to sovereign guarantee has proven a successful one with an ever growing number of commercial banks and companies applying to EximBank in this respect. Moreover the business deployed by our bank associated with sovereign guarantees marked a significant surge, since the amount of guarantees issued in the first 9 months of the year exceeded by 16% the same of the last year period.”, pointed out Ionut Costea, president of EximBank.
The guarantee extended to Nutrientul SA covers almost 48% of the loan to be engaged by the company and has a 12 months tenor.
“The beneficial support granted by EximBank to those businesses involved in agricuture showcases the awareness about the present and future potential of such sector still scarcely capitalized in Romania”, stated out Iosif Pazuric, the general manager of Nutrientul.
EximBank has recently changed the procedures for extending sovereign guarantees of up to Euro 1.5 million, which resulted in less documents required in the process, with responding time curtailed to 10 days only, instead of one month as it used to be.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
The financing package of the bank includes both standard credits for current activities or investment and particular products as State Aid, such as: credits with subsidized interest rate and partial offset of interest rate allowing for retrieval of up to 50% of the rate paid for Lei investment loans engaged with banks.
Companies expressing an interest in EximBank products may apply directly to the territorial units of the bank, located in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva and Iasi. Likewise further information may be reached at the website www.eximbank.ro or the address informatii@eximbank.ro on particular products and documents.
Banca de Export- Import a Romaniei EximBank S.A. PR & Marketing Dept.