EximBank improves its response capacity: new on line tool for credit analysis
Bucharest, April 29, 2013 – EximBank launched a new on line instrument allowing the users of www.eximbank.ro to find out extremely rapidly whether they could qualify for receiving credit as well as the amount they could access.
”We intend to increase our response capacity in relationship with the business environment and launching this on line application is just another step toward reaching our goal. By launching the new facility, EximBank becomes one of the few banks on the market offering such an instrument to the corporate segment: in just a few minutes, entrepreneurs using their own computers may find out whether they qualify for receiving a credit line and more than that, they will know the value of the loan that they might get”, declared Traian Halalai, President of EximBank.
The online application process consists in following four steps that require filling in data – mostly general information regarding the company: name, line of business, fiscal registration code, and financial results. After completing these steps, the applicant may receive two types of answers:
– applicant could qualify for a receiving a credit line which value is displayed (the value is calculated based on the data filled in by the user, not verified by the bank and therefore the credit offer is non-binding for the bank at this point in the process);
– applicant could not qualify for accessing this type of credits.
In the case of an applicant that receives an affirmative answer this stage of the process ends with an email message automatically displayed requesting scan copies of the necessary documents. After this moment, the potential client gets contacted by one of the EximBank consultants to finish the process of application.
Launching of this new tool by EximBank comes after the bank has implemented another platform for selling insurance policies and commercial information reports on line, facilitating the companies’ access to products aiming at mitigating business risks.
The on line sales platform allows access to the necessary documents for accessing insurance and commercial information products, using an on line calculator for determining the preliminary premiums, on line transmittal of the insurance demands as well as on line payments of the premiums.
EximBank covers through its insurance policies the commercial and political risks that may occur during the international commercial transactions involving Romanian companies giving them the comfort of recovering their debts.
”We are convinced that offering fast access to information for all companies – whether SMEs, big companies, exporters or companies active only on internal market, is crucial and we will look further into developing alternative sales channels, especially considering the fact that the on line instruments are a must in the actual business environment” added Traian Halalai.
EximBank offers to Romanian companies a threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance that allows the bank to support the activity and development of the Romanian exporters and companies active in priority economic domains, including the ones contributing to the absorption of EU funds.