EximBank offer, on display for the machine building companies
Bucharest, October 6, 2010 – The positive developments undergone by exports in the first half-year (a surge of nearly 26% in euro against Q1 of 2009) reinforces the idea that Romania’s chance for economic growth lies with exports and EximBank is in a position to provide realistic solutions to support the exporters, asserted bank’s officials during a meeting with the representatives of the Machine Building Industry Patronage Federation FEPA CM.
The Federation is one of the most powerful employer organization representing companies involved in a sector boasting the achievement of almost half of Romania’s exports within the first half-year, i.e. over euro 7 billion.
During this meeting the offer of EximBank directed at exporters was duly submitted by the representatives of the bank who also emphasized that a new impetus has been given to bank’s activities so as to become more flexible as a result of curtailed terms of file analysis and internal reshuffle.
The participants required further information on the modifications brought to the sovereign guarantees extended by EximBank which mean a shorter time of answering requests, notably 10 days instead of one month as it used to take before.
Likewise, particular attention was paid to granting and supporting those projects qualifying for European funds. To such end EximBank supplies a package including co-financing and pre-financing loans, as well as non-committal letters of intent or guarantees.
Further meetings have been scheduled between EximBank and member companies of FEPA CM with projects approved by management authorities so as to secure tailored solutions for their implementation.
Companies expressing an interest in EximBank products may apply directly to the territorial units of the bank, located in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva and Iasi. Likewise further information may be reached at the website www.eximbank.ro or the address informatii@eximbank.ro on particular products and documents.
Banca de Export- Import a Romaniei EximBank S.A. PR & Marketing Dept.
06 October 2010