EximBank Starts an Internship Project For The Students Of The Academy Of Economic Studies
Bucharest, November 7, 2013– “EximBank will start a partnership with the Faculty for Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange an internship program with a 12 months duration for the students in the Master of Arts stage with the option of getting employed at the end of the program”, said Traian Halalai, President of EximBank, last night, during the anniversary of the 65 years since the establishment of the faculty.
The decision to implement such a project is a step forward since EximBank has focused since the beginning of the year on the educational projects structured and adjusted to various targets.
„We do believe that such programs will contribute to the increase of the level of financial education since the school years and the students – future members of the economic community – will be aware of the role EximBank is playing on the local financial banking market. I am convinced that Romanian economy needs well trained people with solid cultural, economic, financial backgrounds and not only these… Everything starts and ends in school”, added EximBank representative.
He stated that “I have often heard lately the statement that the school is no more resembling to the one we knew…and not coming from old people as you may expect…And I believe these people are not even aware of how right they are…Because indeed the school is no longer the same as 15, 10 or even 5 years ago. It is only natural to be different since the society has changed – people are not living now as they did 15, 10 or 5 years ago, economy has changed, the world is moving. The school is the first to keep up with change…because school is the change factor in a society”.
EximBank has been involved lately in several projects at middle school and high school levels in order to support the development of banking and entrepreneurial education. Thus, the bank has been involved in the project launched by the National Bank of Romania (NBR) to insert in the curricula for the first grades a new optional discipline – Financial education aiming at forming the future informed consumers of the banking products and services and also to educate the potential specialist working in the banks.
Also, in a common project with Junior Achievement, Exim Bank’s representatives have been participating in meetings held in 15 high schools in the country as events under the entrepreneurial programs „The Company” and „Enterprise without Borders”.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds. Companies may obtain additional information on www.eximbank.ro.