EximBank supplies commercial information on companies at a faster pace
Bucharest, September 29, 2010 – EximBank has improved significantly its product „Commercial and Loan Information on business partners” enabling commercial companies to acquire business information on prospective partners within a shorter lapse of time and without further costs involved.
„Under present circumstances, it is vital for commercial companies to have access to economic information on future business partners both in the country and abroad. The more relevant information he acquires, the safer the entrepreneur shall feel against possible damages while securing further opportunities for making profit. By means of several improvements performed, flexibility is reached so that the economic operator is in a position to get commercial information on prospective business partners even the same day.”, declared Oana Nuta, the communication director of EximBank.
This improved version of the product does not involve higher costs since the charges for the supply of information reports have been maintained at the same level as before.
„We wish to grant access to ever more companies to such a product whose main benefit points to the timely information on the financial risk of the company before concluding a contract with it, therefore to include provisions covering and alleviating the business risks incurred.”, added Oana Nuta.
Besides shortening the delivery terms of commercial information, another change regards an increased number of states for which EximBank provides relevant data on country risk, i.e. 76 states from 51 as it used to be. Country analyses are granted as a bonus for those companies that choose to acquire several information reports by subscription (including 25 to 60 reports).
Another novelty refers to subscription for the information on companies abroad. So far companies could make subscription for information reports on Romanian companies, only. In the event of requests on reports about foreign companies by subscription, the end-users shall also be granted reports about Romanian companies as a bonus, with the number of reports depending on the type of subscription.
Those companies that access the product “Commercial and Loan Information on business partners” are supposed to receive a commercial information report on a prospective partner, including the followings:
– Identification data – denomination, address, registration number with the Commerce Register, unique code, history, present standing of the company, management, employees, registered capital etc.
– Official financial statements: main items of the balance sheet, profit and loss account.
– Financial audit of the company according to financial data, namely: creditworthiness, payment behavior, financial capacity, ROE and ROA evolution, classification as risk rating which assess the business associated risk.
– Recommendations on the safety limit for commercial deals on credit.
Companies expressing an interest in EximBank products may apply directly to the territorial units of the bank, located in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva and Iasi. Likewise further information may be reached at the website www.eximbank.ro or the address informatii@eximbank.ro on particular products and documents.
Banca de Export- Import a Romaniei EximBank S.A. PR & Marketing Dept.
29 September 2010