EximBank: We actively support the expansion of Romanian companies on non-European markets
Bucharest, May 16, 2012 – EximBank may offer to Romanian companies special financing products (Guarantee for internationalization) that support their activity abroad, even on markets with higher risks but presenting higher business potential declared Ionut Costea, President of EximBank, today, at the 7thReunion of Economic Attachés from the external representative network of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment.
”Our current activity offers information related to the business environment development, therefore letting us know that Romanian entrepreneurs show high interest in re-connect or open new commercial activities with partners outside European Union. This is a good measure to reduce the dependency related to traditional European markets and also to mitigate the negative effects of economic turmoil on their businesses. This is why, EximBank is positioning itself as a valuable partner for the companies interested in developing their activity on markets outside Europe and we can present many examples of companies that are following this trend”, declared Ionut Costea.
The Bank’s representative also mentioned the interest that Romanian companies are showing towards Africa “an important distribution market that is still under used as compared to its true potential by Romanian companies”.
”EximBank started a marketing action to identify investment projects that are to be developed in Africa and we identified relevant initiatives such as highways construction or concrete factories that are financed with tenth of millions Euros by grants offered via European Investment Bank or International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Moreover, EximBank has a close cooperation with the National Association of Exporters and Importers on a project consisting in opening commercial offices to promote economic relationships in various regions of the world, by now having opened two such offices in USA and Senegal (Dakar). I am convinced that running these projects will attract more and more companies in the area and EximBank may offer the efficient instruments to protect their business.” added Ionut Costea.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
The Bank is offering to the Romanian exporters a complete package of financial instruments allowing them both to develop their business and reduce risks related to their activity.
EximBank supports export activity from the production stage to delivery and cashing of the counter value of the exported goods by:
– credits (covering costs of producing or delivering goods)
– export guarantees (for general goods, stimulation of complex objectives realization, products with long production cycles)
– ensuring credits for export production activity, the medium and long term export credits and the buying credit
– commercial information about the business partners
– Book of Country Risks– a product realized by EximBank analysts that is offering data on 76 countries (each country has an information report that evaluates the risk category on short, and medium-long term, a description of the economic and political background of the respective state, the country development perspectives and a report concerning the situation of commercial exchanges with Romania).
Companies interested in EximBank products may address their queries to the territorial units of the Bank in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva, Iasi and Sibiu or may get information via www.eximbank.ro.