Halalai, EximBank: We are capable and available to support the business community
Bucharest, March 13, 2014 – The strategic goal of EximBank in 2014 is to support as many business projects as possible that contribute to the local capital and communities development, and the bank is both capable and available to go along with the business environment in reaching relevant performance, said Traian Halalai, President of EximBank, during a meeting with entrepreneurs in Timisoara.
”Awe have started last year a direct communication project with businessmen and we have organized a few meeting with local business communities. The received feedback has convinced us to continue our project. We have chosen Timisoara to open the series of our meetings this year because it is one of the best business destinations due to the authorities involvement and infrastructure development. We do have a mission in supporting business therefore it is the place to be for us. EximBank is a valuable resource for the companies in Timis county and I am convinced that together we can implement business projects of high impact for the local community and for economy as a whole.”, added Traian Halalai.
The meeting in Timiosara has been attended by more than 80 managers of the companies in the region, such as Continental Automotive Products, Elba, Pasmatex, Azur, Agroindustrial Plant Curtici,Grafoprint, Lipoplast, Prompt, DeltaTel etc, as well as local authorities representatives: Marian Vasile – Vice-President of the Timis County Board, Eugen Dogariu – Prefect of Timis county, Liliana Onet – Vice prefect, Nicolae Robu – Mayor of Timisoara and Dan Diaconu – Vice mayor of Timisoara.
“Timisoara is a first rank social – economic pole that concentrates the Western part of the country in complex and dynamic activities placing it on the second place at national level after Bucharest. We intend to increase the efficiency of the administrative model, to reduce bureaucracy, develop the infrastructure for supporting businesses so that we can ensure a stable and diverse economic growth of this region. We believe that both local authorities and the banks should be more flexible in respect of the business environment issues and EximBank being present here is only confirming the bank’s availability for supporting the business development and the investments in the region”, said Eugen Dogariu, Prefect of the Timis County.
During last year, EximBank has organized meetings with the businessmen in Ploiesti, Constanta, Cluj, Galati, Oradea, Targu Mures and Sibiu, enjoying an attendance of more than 350 companies and local authorities representatives.
“Local business communities have been very willing to attend such meetings that represent an efficient way of seeing the local economies at work. We use this information so that we can respond to the companies requests.”, said the President of EximBank.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
As per preliminary financial results, the bank registered a net profit of almost 50 million lei at the end of 2013, four times higher than in 2012, an achievement reached under the circumstances of improving the commercial activity and efficient resources management. The implemented business model – focused on the continuous improvement of the quality of the bank’s activity – determined an increase of the total exposure of the bank with 30% as compared to last year up to almost 5 billions lei.
The Bank has a network of 16 units – Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Buzau, Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Deva, Galati, Iasi, Oradea, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Targu Mures, Timisoara and Sibiu also, interested companies may access additional information on www.eximbank.ro.