Marian Nastase, President of Alro Board, takes over AREX (Romanian Association of Exporters) presidency
Bucharest, September 8, 2014 – Romanian Association of Exporters – (AREX) has a new Direction Committee consisting in five members, led by Mr. Marian Nastase, President of the Board of Alro.
AREX has been established this spring, aiming at becoming a new, powerful and credible voice of the Romanian exporters community and being founded by some of the biggest Romanian companies.
The President of the new Direction Committee of AREX, elected at the end of June, is Mr. Marian Nastase President of the Board of Alro. He has also been part of the team that came up with the idea of establishing the association. “During the few months since its registering, Romanian Association of Exporters has reached a number of almost 100 members, becoming a strong player, a voice of exporters”, declared Marian Nastase, President of AREX. “The Association will be thus enabled to present solid opinions and to position itself in matters with significant impact on the business environment, generally, and specifically on the exporters, such as the economic policies applied both at national and European level.”
Marian Nastase takes over the AREX presidency from Traian Halalai, President of EximBank who is now holding a Vice President position in the new Direction Committee.
”I committed myself to leading the initial steps of the ambitious project that AREX represents wishing to ensure an efficient coordination of the establishment procedures. I strongly believe in this initiative aiming at supporting the Romanian exporting companies and I will continue to support AREX development”, declared Traian Halalai President of EximBank.
AREX intends to begin its activity by listing the issues that exporting companies are facing and by setting up the methods for presenting them to the respective authorities.
Along with the presidency, the new Direction Committee includes four Vice President positions that are held by: Traian Halalai, President of EximBank, Gabriel Comanescu, President of Upetrom Group, Daniel Anghel, Partner – Indirect Taxation- PwC and Zoltan Prosszer, CEO Romcab.
AREX, that includes 55 founding companies, offers to its members:
– Quick access to information related to business opportunities outside Romania and support in contacting potential external partners, based on the cooperation with the commercial offices network of the Ministry of Economy
– Facilitation of participating in international business events and official economic delegations
– Access to information materials, studies and market analysis
– Networking and communication framework to encourage the spreading of business experience of the members.
AREX is a non profit, professional organization, non –governmental open to any Romanian exporting company; the membership is free of charge.
Founding members of AREX are:
AAGES, Adrem INvest, Alro Slatina, Asam, Astra Vagoane Calatori, Atero, Axeon Airfresh, Betak, Cesiro, Chircu Prod-Impex Company, Comes, Cupamarcu Prodcom, Delta Invest, Donalam, Elmas, EximBank, General Turbo, GIC Nosag Metal, Girexim Universal, Global Art Production, Grup Servicii Petroliere, I.M.S. Werkyeugbau, ICME ECAB, IMATEX, Institutul de Proiectari Energetice, Laprom Trading, M G TEC Grup, Mandra, Metrom Trading, Minitehnicus, Mopan, Moviplast, Polimed Com, Popeci Utilaj Greu, Pricewaterhousecoopers Tax Advisor&Accountants, Procera Agrochemicals Romania, Ramoss Com, Retrasib, Rofelix Univers, Rom Paper, Rombat, Romcab, Romelectro, Ronera Rubber, Rowo, Sinteza, Sofiaman Impex, Taparo, Tehno World, Totalgaz Industrie, Upetrom 1 Mai, Utilnavorep, Uzinsider Techno, Valnex, Vanelli.
Additional details:
Razvan Voican – Executive Director AREX
Phone: 021 405 32 10/0744 330 907