Mr. RON excellence prize for the president of EximBank
Ionut Costea, the president of EximBank, was awarded the excellence prize Mr. RON on behalf of the publication Saptamana Financiara for consistent support granted to companies facing a scarce lending market.
The existing crisis has raised several opportunities for EximBank, which were duly capitalized by the executive team, and were conducive to improved financial fundamentals of the bank considering the lack of companies’ liquidities and the portfolio of products and services tailored to their demands.
The threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance,enables the bank togrant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
The financing package supplied by the bank can include not only standard loans for current business or investments but also special products in the range of State Aid, such as: credits at subsidized interest rate and partial interest offset which allows for recovery of up to 50% of the rate paid for RON investment credits engaged with other banks.
Sovereign guaranteesprovided byEximBank are meant to support those companies in need of loans but short of enough collaterals. The guarantees issued by EximBank take over a significant part of the credit risk thereby paving the way to financing.
For the insurance part, EximBank covers commercial and political risks associated with international transactions or with the implementation of investment projects run by Romanian companies abroad.