Products of EximBank, subject submitted to bank employees
Bucharest, November 29, 2010 – Employees of both the banking system and foreign trade companies shall be able to get acquainted with the operation way of EximBank, within a training module organized by the Romanian Banking Institute (IBR) called „Financing and discount ways in foreign trade. The EximBank pattern”.
The course shall be launched in January 2011 in a remote system to be deployed for 3 months both in Bucharest and in territorial locations.
„We have decided to get involved in this educational project beside IBR due to our expertise of unique bank in Romania with such a mission; in this capacity we can contribute to an overall outlook on export supportive financial levers. Moreover, we are confident that by getting acquainted with the operational way of EximBank and with our products complementary to commercial banks current offer, the bank advisors shall be in a position to provide customers with comprehensive financial solutions.”, said Ionut Costea, president of EximBank.
The approach shall focus on practical grounds and instruments applied for foreign deals either by commercial banks or companies involved in export business, consultancy and patronage companies.
The course specifically includes the latest regulations INCOTERMS 2010 (International Commercial Terms), various examples enabling the understanding of funding and discount ways as well as EximBank procedures meant to support exporters, SME-s, private entrepreneurs and public authorities.
“The information on the latest trends related to procedures currently applied to assist and finance the foreign trade system is required more than ever by bank employees and not only. Keen knowledge of such a dynamic sector as export funding is decisive to carry out a successful business. EximBank currently uses modern mechanisms of which you shall learn more through the course taught in our institute.”, declared Petru Rares, president of the Romanian Banking Institute.
The Romanian Banking Institute is an educational institution set up 19 years ago by the Central Bank (BNR) and the Romanian Bank Association (ARB), designed to organize intensive training programs for adults in order to ensure high skilled human resources providing financial and banking services.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects relying on EU funds.
Companies expressing an interest in EximBank products may apply directly to the territorial units of the bank, located in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Craiova, Timisoara, Buzau, Oradea, Deva and Iasi. Likewise further information may be reached at the website or the address on particular products and documents.
Details on the program and registration procedures for the course „Financing and discount ways in foreign trade. The EximBank pattern” are available at the following addresses: or; emanuela.savu@ibr–, telephone 021-327.50.87, 0748-886.803, fax 021-327.50.86.
Banca de Export- Import a Romaniei EximBank S.A. PR & Marketing Dept.