EximBank, awarded for exports supporting, developing and promotion
Bucharest, December 08, 2015 – The activity dynamics of EximBank oriented towards exports and Romanian investments supporting, developing and promotion was recognized by the awarding of the prize ”Best bank for the exports development” during BankingNews Gala, that acknowledged the excellency in banking.
The prize represents a confirmation of the consistent progress registered by EximBank in terms of improving the dynamics of its activity, the total new exposure registered towards the real economy between 2013 – September 2015 reaching 4.6. Billion Lei, in spite of the challenges faced by the Romanian banking sector. The impact on the national economy is significantly higher due to the multiplying effect of the specific instruments used by the bank to support the economy.
At the end of September, EximBank has registered net profits of 55 Million Lei, 58% higher than for the first nine months of 2014 and a level of assets higher by 16% than the respective value form the end of September 2014, due to the ascending trend of the crediting activity. Also, following the efforts of improvement of the credits portfolio, the bank has reported at the the end of September a non performant credit rate of 3.3%, far below the banking system average of almost 13%.
During this year, the bank has focused on continuing the improvement trend in terms of flexibility and products and services offer adaptation to the companies’ requests as well as on launching new products. Thus, the bank’s insurance portfolio has been enlarged with the Insurance for export guarantees, a last resort instrument that the insurers on the private market are not offering to the exporting companies, this facility coming under the category of official instruments for supporting the export activity.
Also, the bank has introduced in its portfolio the regressive internal factoring that, along with the non-regressive export factoring are registering ascending trends and has launched a new treasury service that allows the bank’s clients to deal and follow on line the exchange rates evolutions as well as the performing of the transactions using foreign currencies.
As an add–on to its offer, EximBank has launched the State Counter guarantee, a product aiming at facilitating the participation of the companies in the investments projects in priority domains.
The bank has also operated this year some payment fees reductions and has extended the working hours for the banking operations. These changes in the cash management area are beneficial for companies, allowing the banking transactions costs reduction on their part as well as a clearings speed up.
The support granted by EximBank to the exporting companies is not limited to its package of financial instruments, the bank acting as a cohesive factor for the Romanian exporting community by assuming in 2014 the coordination role for the establishment of Romanian Association for Exporters – AREX.
AREX – a professional organization, non-governmental, aiming at supporting and promoting the interests of the Romanian companies involved in international commercial transactions in order to consolidate their presence on foreign markets has now more than 100 members, both from the community of important Romanian companies active in industrial field as well as SMEs from various domains such as furniture, automotive, energy, metallurgy or IT. The association is striving to attract more and more exporting companies, the membership being free of charges.
EximBank is a specialized institution exclusively targeted to the corporate segment, having a products portfolio focused on three main categories – financing, guaranteeing and insurance that allows it to support the activity and development of exporting companies, both SMEs and companies that are involved in projects related to the priority domains for the economic development, especially those contributing to the European funds absorption.
During the last three years, the bank has focused on reviving the complementary banking services and developed and consolidated its portfolio of treasury, cash management, trade finance and factoring, that are now coming to round up the offer on crediting, guarantees and insurance segments.
EximBank is operating a commercial network of 20 branches; additional details on its products are available at www.eximbank.roor informatii@eximbank.ro