EximBank: net profits over 10 Million Euro in 2014
Bucharest, April 7, 2015 – EximBank has registered in 2014 a net profit of 46,6 Million Lei (10.5 Million Euro appx.), that amounts the cumulative net profits of the bank at almost 92 Million Lei between 2013-2014.
In 2014, the bank has registered an operational profit amounting at 121 Million Lei, 50% higher than in 2013, the final result being affected by the risk cost of 67 Million Lei, taking into account the drop out from the balance of liabilities 98% related to the exposures granted before 2013.
”EximBank has consistently improved its activity during the last two years reaching performance indicators above the financial market average. In 2014, as the total loss of the local banking systems amounted at more than 4 Billion Lei as per preliminary data avaliable, EximBank has managed to maintain its positioning among the few banks that are registering profits. The bank increased its total exposure at 4.7 Billion Lei last year as compared to 4.5 Billion Lei in 2013, acting on a corporate banking market with low demand for crediting and a very powerful competition.”, said Traian Halalai, President of EximBank.
During last year EximBank has granted new credits of a total value reaching almost 900 million Lei in line with the figures registered the previous year. The main beneficiaries of the new financing facilities have been big companies (57%) followed by small and medium enterprises (41%).
”EximBank had a very important role in supporting the local business environment by diversifying and increasing the usage of the specific support instruments both in own name and account and in the name and account of the State. Thus, the new approved exposure to the real economy has reached 3,4 billion Lei between 2013 – 2014, in spite of the challenges that the Romanian banking sector has to face. The impact on the national economy is significantly higher having in mind the multiplying effect of the specific instruments used in the support activity by the bank.”, explained Traian Halalai.
The EximBank representative has emphasized that the bank has focused on implementing a prudential policy in regard of the thorough analysis of the credit applications that conduced to the maintaining of an extremely low level of non performant credits. ”We are proudly noticing the very good quality of the bank’s exposure leading to a non performant credit level of only 3,1% in 2014 as compared to the average of the banking system of approximately 14%”, added Traian Halalai.
This increased support for the Romanian economy between 2013-2014 has been taking place along with the modernizing process circumstances that has focused on re-defining and increasing efficiency of the operational flows, significant improvement of the products and services portfolio (treasury, trade finance, factoring and cash management) as well as on the expansion of the network by 9 units.
”We do believe the bank is ready to enter a new phase of sustainable development of its activity and the authorities’ decision to expand EximBank’s mandate by taking over some specific functions of a development bank is offering a solid platform for continue our positive evolution trend.”, also said Traian Halalai.
The authorities have recently decided that the specific activities related to the development bank will be managed by EximBank, the operational model focusing on financing the real economy and increasing the efficiency of the macroeconomic policies, concentrating on facilitating the EU funds absorption between 2015-2020 by insuring the co-financing of the projects representing Romania’s commitments towards EU.
The integrated functioning framework is now under discussion and will be soon finalized by the working group made up by experts from EximBank, Ministry of Public Finance and Ministry of European Funds.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantees and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors.
The financing products portfolio of EximBank consists in both credits for current activity, exports or investments and products from the state aid category such as the subsidized interest rate credit or the partial compensation of the interest rate allowing companies to receive up to 50% of the interest rate paid for the investments credits contracted in RON form any commercial bank. EximBank completed its offer for financing solutions with factoring and cash management services as well as with a wide range of treasury products.
The guarantees in EximBank’s portfolio are issued under the Romanian State name and account, are sovereign, reduce the risks associated with the crediting activity and facilitate the companies’ access to financing. The bank is offering guarantees for exporters, SMEs and other companies, involved in projects funded by European funds or those developing projects in key economic sectors such as infrastructure development and environment protection.
In terms of risks mitigation, EximBank is offering to companies the option of substantially reduce the commercial and political risks associated with commercial international transactions through its wide offer of insurance products. Along with its subsidiary EximAsig – a company specialized in insuring the financial and other complementary risks – EximBank may cover the risks of exporting companies active on al international markets both in European Union and in high risk areas such as Middle East, Asia, Africa or Latin America.
Details about EximBank at www.eximbank.roor informatii@eximbank.ro