Halalai: We are counting on the activation of the close cooperation with the external network of counsellors
Bucharest, July 07, 2015 – Romanian Association of Exporters – AREX is counting on the activation of the close cooperation with the external network of counsellors from the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Tourism in order to offer to its members the necessary support for continuing the increase of exports and the penetration on new foreign markets saidTraian Halalai, Vice President of AREX, during the annual reunion of the economic counsellors from the offices for economic and commercial promotion from the external network.
”We have the history of a good cooperation with you but we are looking forward to further activate our common activity due to the fact that in our opinion you represent a high value asset that can be used for the benefit of Romanian exporters. Foreign groups branches present here – making more than 70% of the exports – do not need access to studies and market analysis or support from the network of counsellors abroad. These support instruments and many others more are necessary for the local companies, especially the small and medium ones. This is why we consider a closer cooperation with AREX, that can be positioned as a facilitator of information transfer between you and the business environment, may contribute to creating a favorable context for supporting the interests of Romanian exporters and investors abroad.”, said Traian Halalai.
The AREX representative mentioned that it is highly important for the exporters to gain access to information related to the business opportunities collected by the offices for economic-commercial promotion with a focus on the extra-community markets but also to the ones connected to governmental projects implemented in various states and financed by international financial institutions (World Bank, EBRD, EIB) and even to best practices guides for different international markets.
”As Executive President of EximBank, which is a founding member of the association, I can tell you that our involvement is significant and AREX is already another channel that the bank uses for fulfilling its role deriving form its constitutive status – supporting the Romanian business environment. Our support comes real by our specific financial instruments – financing, guarantees, insurance as well as by offering relevant business information and by facilitating the business relations with potential partners from abroad through the partnerships that the bank has in place with various similar financial institutions.”, added Traian Halalai.
Romanian Association of Exporters – AREX is a professional organization, non-governmental, aiming at supporting and promoting the interests of Romanian companies involved in international transactions in view of consolidating the Romanian presence on foreign markets.
The association has been established in 2014 and has now more than 100 members, both important Romanian companies in the local industry and small and medium enterprises active in furniture production, automotive, energy, metallurgic industry and IT fields.
AREX membership is available to any exporting company with no financial contribution. Additional details: www.arex.com.roor arex@arex.com.ro