Traian Halalai, EximBank: A viable national economy involves implementing a coherent exports support policy
Bucharest, August 31st, 2016 – A national attractive and viable economy involves establishing and implementing coherent policies for supporting exports and Romania is not exempted from this challenge especially during times like these when risks aggregate, declared Traian Halalai, Executive President of EximBank, during the Annual Reunion of Romanian Diplomacy, an event that took place at the beginning of this week in Bucharest.
“I consider your actions critical in a heavily globalized environment with a high degree of inter-dependence between the states in the world, where diplomacy holds an essential role in ensuring the economic development and growth of a country. Along with the public institutions that have traditional roles in implementing coherent strategies, EximBank is continuously following the essential coordinates of its strategic mission of supporting the Romanian business environment and the international transactions of local companies. All these went along with the increased dynamics of the bank’s activity whilst the support for the real economy has been visibly growing”, conveyed the EximBank’s representative to the Romanian commercial attachés abroad.
He added that putting together the information provided by the Romanian state economic representatives from foreign markets (international biddings, governmental projects implemented in the resident countries, business opportunities, etc.) with the financial instruments and expertise of EximBank “we can shape a favorable context for supporting the Romanian exporters and investors’ interests abroad”.
EximBank has been actively involved for almost 25 years in supporting and promoting the Romanian business environment by endorsing the local companies’ projects. The bank started up as an export agency – an entity that finances the national companies involved in international commerce. In time, EximBank has gradually extended its role and is now an institution acting exclusively on corporate segment, having an unique business model on Romanian market combining the features of a commercial bank with the activity on behalf of and on account of the Romanian state.
Financial instruments of EximBank are focused on three main categories – finance, guarantees and insurance and address the needs of all companies, either SME or large companies, involved in international transactions or only operating locally. At present, the bank is focusing on developing and consolidating the complementary products portfolio such as treasury products, cash management, trade finance and factoring, in order to develop an integrate banking relationship with its clients. EximBank is operating a 20 units commercial network.