Halalai: We seek to revive the cooperation with banks of export imports for the Romanian exporters’ benefit
Bucharest, October, 11, 2016 – EximBank will undertake the necessary steps in order to revive the partnerships and the cooperation relationships with similar institutions abroad so that by creating the favorable business environments these will become real support instruments for Romanian exporters, said Traian Halalai, Executive President of EximBank, during the ceremony of signing the memorandum with EXIMBANKA SLOVAKIA.
The cooperation agreement between the two institutions with similar mandates in terms of promoting exports has been signed in the presence of the President of Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska, the Romanian presidential counsellor Cosmin-Ștefan Marinescu and the Minister of Economy, Commerce, Costin Borc, during the Romanian – Slovakian Bilateral Business Forum that took place today at the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
”We are convinced that by signing this document we will re-open a transparent communication channel for the Romanian and Slovakian companies that intend to develop business relationships under safe and predictable conditions. EximBank Romania and EXIMBANKA SLOVAKIA have extended portfolios of products and services especially for supporting exports and investments abroad so that we are able to use the financial, guarantees and insurance instruments in the name of and on account of our states to support the export projects of Romanian and Slovakian companies on third party markets under correct competitive conditions.”, underlined Traian Halalai during the Forum.
At December 31st, 2015, the total value of trade between Romanian and Slovakia reached almost 2,4 Billion Euro, out of which exports of almost 962 Million Euro (increase of 3,45% as compared to 2014) and imports amounting at 1,4 Billion Euro (increase of 9,10% as compared to 2014).
EximBank has been actively involved for almost 25 years in supporting and promoting the Romanian business environment by endorsing the local companies’ projects. The bank started up as an export agency and has developed its scope of work, by keeping its unique business model.
Following the adjustments made to its business pillars along the time in order to adapt to the national and international economic challenges, EximBank is now capable of presenting to the corporate segment a products and services portfolio that attracts all companies, either SME or large companies, involved in international transactions or only operating locally.
Also, acting as State agent on the insurance and guarantees market, EximBank is the main channel for the public funds made available by the Romanian state to be infuse din the local economy, thus contributing to increas teh local companies competitivity.
Additional information on EximBank products and services at www.eximbank.ro via informatii@eximbank.ro.