Exchange rates – cards transactions


Currency Exchange rate ECB** Exchange rate Mastercard * Exchange rate Mastercard +  Bank’s margin BROM margin applied to ECB practiced exchange rate
1 Euro (EUR) 4.9338 4.9610 5.0602 2.56%
1 Bulgarian Leva (BGN) 2.5227 2.5337 2.5843 2.44%
1 Hungarian Forint (HUF) 0.0124 0.0125 0.0128 3.51%
1 Norwegian Crown (NOK) 0.4620 0.4698 0.4792 3.72%
 1 Czech Crown (CZK) 0.2057 0.2069 0.2110 2.57%

* Mastercard exchange rate is updated daily at 10 P.M

** ECB (European Central Bank) rate is updated daily at 5 P.M

*** as of 22.02.2021, the foreign currency conversion margin is of 2%

The displayed data is strictly informative and can be changed according to the moment of exchange rates publication by ECB and MC and the updating date of the website information.

The latest updating: 11.01.2023, at 09.00 A.M.

For the transactions conducted abroad, the exchange rate between the transaction currency and RON is automatically performed by MasterCard Worldwide at the internal rate in the settlement day.

To verify the exchange rate of transactions conducted abroad, you can consult the foreign currency conversion calculator:

  • MasterCard Worldwide, available on the website MASTERCARD

We also inform you that to avoid the conversion fee charged by the accepting bank on cash withdrawal transactions or at merchants abroad, you have to select on ATM or POS, when the conversion message occurs, the local currency (and not RON).