ANEIR-EximBank project to support exports
Bucharest, July 18, 2011 – In accordance with provisions of the Romanian Export Strategy and with guidelines of EU commercial policy on exports expansion beyond EU areas, ANEIR and EximBank have launched a project with several constituents, within a partnership framework, namely:
A Romanian general offer linked to the power sector as a first target, duly submitted to countries of the Arab and African zone as prospective locations of peculiar works performed by Romanian companies involved;
Expansion of Romanian commodities exports into countries of the Gulf as a second target, on account of the successful Romanian General Fair organized by MECMA into UAE (accordingly prolonged to the end of September 2011 by Decision of the Romanian Export Council);
Re-launch of Romanian exports into the American market, as the third target as daring as the previous ones, is meant to set up in near future, the first two pilot centers for exports promotion (one to be located on the Eastern Coast and the other on the Western Coast of USA). Such Centers supposed to draw in the Romanian community overseas involved in business shall first launch or expand deliveries of organic foodstuff products, bio food supplements and Romanian wines. Subsequent to the development of such pilot centers (set up on private basis) further commodities ranges are to be tackled.
For all three constituents of ANEIR – EximBank mutual project, the bank shall support Romanian exporters by means of financing, guarantees and commercial and Forex insurance encompassed in its portfolio.