EximBank – Bank of the year in 2011
Bucharest, January 26, 2012 – EximBank was appointed «Bank of the year 2011» as a recognition for its business development during last year and for its important contribution to the sustainable evolution of the Romanian economy.
The award was received by the President of EximBank, Mr. Ionut Costea, during the Gala dinner «People of the year 2011 » organized by Nine o’clock. Mr. Costea thanked the Romanian companies that proved to be confident in the Bank’s services, enabling it to keep the performance of the financial indicators in the positive area.
”Awarding this prize is an acknowledgement of the important progresses EximBank made in terms of business activity dynamics closely related to the financial results: an overall Bank exposure three times higher in 2011 as compared to 2008 and a total granted guarantees volume almost nine times bigger than in 2008” declared Mr. Ionut Costea.
President of EximBank added that the major business objective for 2012 remains building the confidence of the Romanian companies that the high quality of Bank’s services will guarantee the support of the Romanian economy as a whole, and especially of the Romanian exporters, SME’S and companies that are developing projects financed with European funds.
During 2011, EximBank received several awards – “Best banking product”,” Award for Best assets profitability and most efficient employees”, „Best banking strategy in 2011”, “Most dynamic Bank in post-crisis period”– as a natural follow- up of its permanent concern to increase its contribution to the Romanian business environment development.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectors, particularly those contributing to the absorption of EU funds.
Companies expressing an interest in EximBank products may apply directly to the territorial units of the bank. Likewise further information may be reached at the website www.eximbank.ro