EximBank is going up three places in Top 100 Most Valuable Romanian Companies
Bucharest, November 27, 2014 – EximBank has been going up three places, to the 58th position, in this year’s edition of the ”Top 100 Most Valuable Romanian Companies”, issued by Ziarul Financiar, the leader of the business information in Romania in association with Capital Partners.
The Top is containing this year only 9 banks, EximBank ranking 7th in their hierarchy.
The editors note that EximBank, that had an important role in financing and guaranteeing during the crisis period, has registered at the end of last year a net profit four times higher than at the level of previous year. ”The total assets of the bank amounted at 4,2 Bln lei after the first half of this year, more than 244 Mln lei equivalent than the level registered at the end of 2013.”, mentioned the publication.
According to the same sources, EximBank ranks 19 in the banking system at the end of May 2014 with a market share of 1% according to assets. The bank is operating a network of 17 units and”plans to operate 20 units by the end of this year as compared to 12 at the end of 2012, along with a process of network costs optimization and a reduction of administrative expenses by relocating some units”.
EximBank is a specialized institution whose threefold product portfolio focused on financing, guarantee and insurance, enables it to grant assistance to current activities and development of exporters, SME-s and companies involved in projects pertaining to key economic sectorsfor economic development.
During the last years, the bank has been involved in a vast modernizing process, focused on building the best team and increase flexibility of the working flows in order to improve the capacity of answering to clients’ needs. EximBank has been up grading its product portfolio and is now able to offer competitive products on the segment of complementary services such as treasury, cash management or trade finance.
Focusing on offering the integrated financial solutions for the business environment has determined an increase of the business activity, the net credits portfolio of EximBank being higher by 33% after the first nine months of this year as compared to the end of 2013.
Bank’s representatives estimate that at the end of this year the level of new financing will amount at approximately 1 Bln lei. At the end of September 2014 the rate of non performant credits reached 1,1%, as compared to 16% the average value of the local banking system.