EximBank has a new on line application for SMEs
Bucharest, October 31, 2016 – EximBank has implemented on its web site a new application that allows the small and medium enterprises to rapidly check on line whether they pre-qualify for contracting a credit line.
”We are constantly adapting our product and services portfolio because we are carefully looking at the small and medium enterprises segment so that their access to the so needed financing is facilitated and increased. Launching this application is yet another step that we are taking this year towards supporting the development of this important economic sector along with the extension of the specific financing portfolio by two additional products Credit line for current business and Investment Credit. We are now capable of granting credits faster and we can structure complete facilities that may include state guarantees or other complementary products.”, said Traian Halalai, Executive President of EximBank.
Checking the eligibility on line is a 5 steps process that consists in filling in the following information:
- Step 1 – General information about the company (name, fiscal registration code, NACE, date of incorporation);
- Step 2 – Credit object;
- Step 3 – Proposed guarantees for the credit;
- Step 4 – Financial information as per the last submitted balance sheets;
- Step 5 – Company statements regarding insolvency, litigations, debts, payment incidents.
According to the information provided, the application will offer an automatic result regarding the preliminary analysis and the EximBank consultants will contact the company to finalize the crediting process.
In order to facilitate the access to financing for small and medium enterprises, the bank has launched year two new products exclusively targeted to these:
- Credit line for current activity – granted in Lei, for a maximum period of 12 months, amounting between Lei 50.000 and Lei 2 Million;
- Investment Credit – granted for a maximum period of 7 years, amounting between Lei 50.000 and Lei 2 Million.
Along with these two new products, the companies may access a competitive products portfolio such as treasury, cash management, trade finance and factoring that are completing the financing, guarantees and insurance offer.
EximBank has been actively involved for more than 25 years in sustaining and promoting the Romanian business environment by supporting the local companies’ projects. Its specific financial instruments are targeted exclusively to the corporate segment and accessible to any kind of company. Additional details on products may be found at www.eximbank.ro or via informatii@eximbank.ro