Extended dead line for large companies to express their interest in accessing the support financial program
The dead line for large companies and SMEs with a turnover higher than 20 Million Lei in 2019 to express their interest in accessing loans or guarantees under the state aid governmental program – part of the Program for investment and re-launching of the economy – has been extended up to May 31st, 2021.
The program gives access to companies to support instruments offered by the Romanian state thus ensuring for the interested eligible Romanian companies a similar level of intervention as in other European countries, enabling them to receive the maximum amounts provisioned by the European Commission Temporary Framework.

Main features of the program are:
– Budget allocation of 4 Billion Lei through EximBank in the name and account of the state
– New state aid product portfolio of loans and guarantees that add up to the financing, guarantees and insurance products offered on market conditions
– Potential support for hundreds of Romanian large companies and SMEs through investment, working capital loans or guarantees for the financing facilities that allow business continuity and development, increased turnovers and maintaining or increasing employees ‘ numbers
– Minimum costs in line with the European Commission Temporary Framework ROBOR + 0,25%-2% pe an.
More info here