Current Operation
The offered facilities cover the whole financial circuit of a company, collection – management – payment, securing support in making profitable investment and trading decisions. Thus, the companies can determine and choose the optimal cost for the performance of financial-banking transactions.
Payment and collection solutions
The payment/collection instruments Exim Banca Romaneasca is offering – classical or electronic, allow an increased control of financial resources flows:
- Standard payment instruments: payment order, cheque, bill of exchange, promissory note;
- Scheduled payment orders;
- Payments/collections in RON and foreign currency;
- Multiple payments;
- Trading packages for SMEs – depending on the company’s needs, they offer the chance of making transfers at fixes monthly costs.
More details about out products and services can be found HERE.
Accounts with special destination
They secure support in the quantitative, qualitative and timely meeting of the commercial contracts or of fiscal obligations:
- escrow;
- performance bond;
- accounts for running European/APIA funds.
More details about out products and services can be found HERE.
The internet banking solution allows you to make most of the banking transactions by remote access to the current account.
- information on the bank accounts and performed transactions, in real time, 24 hours of 24, 7 days of 7 and anywhere.
- A fast access means to the products and services of the bank.
Internet Banking Functionalities
Assistance internet banking
- Phone.: +4 021 305 95 05 (Monday – Friday, between 8:30 – 17:00)
- Email: