EIB Funding

Exim Banca Romaneasca, in collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB), has made available for the SMEs and Corporate clients a EUR 50 million ceiling destined for financing investment projects.

The advantages of contracting an Exim Banca Romaneasca loan granted from EIB sources are:

– reduced interest rate charged on the loan (financial advantage) compared to the standard interest rate applicable to loans granted by Exim Banca Romaneasca from non-EIB sources;

– extended lending period (medium and long term), correlated with the financed investment project.

Loan characteristics:

Loan type: Investment loan

Currency: EURO

Lending period: at least 2 years

Disbursement period: up to 3 years.

For additional information please contact your nearest Business Center.

Disclaimer: These details are for information purpose only, being just a summary, and may be subject to changes at any moment. The granting of such a loan by Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. is conditioned upon an internal approval to this respect, as well as upon the submittance and the registration of the corresponding legal documentation. In addition, allocating EIB funds to a loan and effecting the financial advantage are conditioned upon obtaining EIB’s prior approval.

  • Beneficiaries & Eligible costs
  • Non-eligible sectors & costs

Beneficiaries & Eligible costs


– small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – enterprises with less than 250 employees (full-time equivalent);

– Corporate (MidCaps) – enterprises with minimum 250 and less than 3000 employees (full-time equivalent).

To establish the enterprise’s SME/MidCap status, its number of employees is calculated following the European Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-size enterprises (“EC Recommendation”) that entered into force on 1 January 2005.


Eligible costs:

– purchase, renovation or extension of tangible assets, including the development and planning during the construction phase;

– financing of land purchase which is technically essential for the investments for up to 10% of total project cost;

– purchase of assets other than real estate (e.g. construction equipment), with the purpose of renting them to third parties.

– investment in intangible assets.

Non-eligible sectors & costs

Non-eligible sectors/projects (the following list is by no means exhaustive):

– activities targeting the production or trade of weapons and ammunition, explosives, equipment or infrastructures specifically designed for military use, and equipment or infrastructure which result in limiting people’s individual rights and freedom;

– activities which give rise to environmental impacts that are not largely mitigated and/or compensated (including but not limited to projects in protected areas, critical habitats and heritage sites);

– activities considered ethically or morally controversial (examples: sex trade and related infrastructure, services and media, animal testing, research on human cloning);

– activities targeting the production or facilitating the use of gambling and related equipment;

– activities targeting tobacco production, manufacturing, processing, or specialist tobacco distribution, and activities facilitating the use of tobacco;

– projects regarding the purchase (or construction or renovation) of real estate with the purpose of selling or renting the building to a third party, except for the construction of social housing, commercial centres and/or offices with the purpose of renting them to third parties which can become exceptionally eligible subject to EIB’s pre-approval in each case;

– the provision of consumer finance;

– undertakings with a political or religious content;

– health sector projects with “secure units” such as closed psychiatric wards and/or correctional facilities;

– pure financial transactions (such as trading public stocks, other securities or any other financial product, refinancing of the enterprise’s loans), including change of enterprise’s ownership;


Non-eligible costs:

– financing of land purchase is excluded unless it is technically essential for the investment project. Important: the purchase of farmland is always excluded;

– purchase of goodwill, licenses or rights for mineral resource exploitation and production rights in the agricultural sector;

– taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT) and tariffs (i.e. a tax or duty to be paid in relation with imports or exports).