Investment Loan
The investment loan is offered to companies and authorized natural persons to cover real estate and/or securities investments.
- minimal amount: RON 20,000
- maximal amount: RON 2,000,000 *
- currency: RON
- maximal lending period: 10 years
* According to the sizing criteria of the bank and without exceeding RON 2,000,000 per client/group of clients.
The amounts can be used to cover expenses regarding:
- procurement of goods such as machines/equipment/transportation means;
- modernization/procurement/building real estate assets;
- agricultural lands for the clients whose main activity is agriculture;
- refinancing, by taking over in full the investments credit from another Bank, including the current interest and fees related to the early credit repayment;
- the amounts the client paid from its own sources (retro funding) for:
– procurement of goods such as machines/equipment/transportation means;
– modernization/procurement/building real estate assets;
– agricultural lands for the clients whose main activity is agriculture (expenses not older than 12 months before the draws from the credit)
In case of refinancing, the current interests and fees can be paid as related to the early credit repayment.
The securing structure is flexible, including the mortgage on accounts and surety bonds. Depending on the credit value and the specifics of the company, other additional guarantees can be used, such as: mortgages or real estate mortgages, guarantees granted by guarantee funds or EximBank, collateral deposits, etc.