Exim Clasic Package

  • Current account in Romanian Leu (RON);
  • Mastercard Standard debit card;
  • Optional: Internet/Mobile Banking, SMS Alert or “Flexible” savings account in Lei, Euro, USD.
  • Advantages
  • Benefits
  • Administration fee


  • Cash deposits and withdrawals;
  • Interbank transfers: payments and collections;
  • Intrabank transfers: payments and collections;
  • Currency exchanges;
  • Establishment and liquidation of term deposits;
  • Credit installment repayments;
  • National and international POS payments;
  • Cash withdrawals at ATMs and MFM (Multifunction Machines) domestically and abroad;
  • Cash deposits at the bank’s ATM and MFM network;
  • National and international card usage via electronic payment wallets: Google Pay and Apple Pay;
  • Account statements are transmitted to the email address monthly. Sending the statement is a cost-free operation and becomes active the day after submitting the request at the branch
  • Account balances are guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund in the Romanian Banking System, within the limit of EUR 100,000 equivalent in lei per depositor.


  • 0 RON for Mastercard Standard debit card administration fee;
  • 0 RON for cash withdrawal at Exim Banca Romaneasca ATMs (with card included in the package);
  • 0 RON for cash withdrawal at other national and international EU bank ATMs (with card included in the package);
  • 0 RON for SMS Alert service subscription;
  • 0 RON for Internet Banking/Mobile Banking service subscription;
  • 0 RON for intrabank payments in Lei, made through Internet Banking/Mobile Banking service;
  • 0 RON for interbank payments in Lei <50,000 Lei made through Internet Banking/Mobile Banking service (including a Transfond fee of 0.51 Lei/payment);
  • 0 RON for interbank collection commission in Lei;
  • 50% discount compared to the standard for “Flexible” savings account administration fee in Lei, euro, and USD.

For other operations conducted through the current account included in the Package, which are not free or discounted within the Package, the Bank’s Fee List applies.

The transaction limits*, using the Mastercard Standard debit card:

Maximum daily cash withdrawal limit at ATMs National: 5.000 RON
International: 1.500 EURO
Maximum weekly cash withdrawal limit at ATMs National: 14.000 RON
International: 4.200 EURO
Maximum monthly cash withdrawal limit at ATMs National: 56.000 RON
International: 16.800 EURO
Maximum cash withdrawal limit at POS Subject to available funds
Maximum cash withdrawal limit per transaction at POS merchants According to Law No. 191/2018
Maximum amount for online transactions (e-commerce) National: 10,000 RON

International: 2,000 EURO

Maximum purchase amount limit at POS Within the available balance

Administration fee

  • 0 Lei with the fulfillment of the following conditions, cumulatively:

– a monthly credit turnover is registered in the current account in Lei included in the Package > 1,000 Lei;

– at least one transaction is carried out at merchants, with the debit card held in the Package and which is settled in the reference month.

  • 20 Lei/ month without fulfilling specific conditions.


The Insurance – Reinsurance company Exim Romania specializes in covering financial risks both for export operations and internal commercial transactions.

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