ABC Current Account

Any child aged between 6 and 14 can have a FREE bank account in RON and a Mastercard Standard START card in their name, without the need for a minimum initial deposit. The account can be used for deposits and withdrawals, including receiving scholarships or other school benefits.

  • Characteristics
  • Benefits


  • Targeted at young people aged 6 (completed)-14 (not yet completed);
  • It is opened in the name of the legal representative (parent/guardian/trustee);
  • Debit card: Mastercard Standard START, issued in the child’s name;
  • Current account in RON;
  • The card’s validity period is 60 months, until the child reaches the age of 14, as a Mastercard Standard START cardholder;
  • To open the account, the child’s birth certificate and one parent’s identity document are required (along with specific documents in the case of a guardian/trustee);
  • There is no minimum amount required to open the account;
  • For the account balance, the interest rate is 0% per year;
  • For unauthorized overdrafts, the penalty interest rate is 35% per year (0.09% per day) for accounts in RON;
  • For transactions made through the current account, the Bank’s Fee Schedule applies;
  • The standard annual interest rates applicable to accounts can be found in the Useful Documents section.


  • Cash receipts and deposits in RON;
  • Receipt of scholarships or other educational benefits;
  • Payments at national and international POS terminals;
  • Cash withdrawals at ATMs and MFM machines both domestically and internationally;
  • Cash deposits through the bank’s ATM and MFM network;
  • The card can be used nationally and internationally through electronic payment wallets: Google Pay and Apple Pay;
  • Account statements are sent via email on a monthly basis. The statement issuance is a free service and becomes active the day after submitting the request at the branch.
  • Account balances are guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund in Romania’s banking system, up to a limit of 100,000 EUR equivalent in RON per depositor.

0 RON for

  • Management of the current account;
  • Management of the Mastercard Standard START debit card;
  • Appointment of an authorized representative on the account;
  • Sending account statements by mail;
  • Cash withdrawals from Exim Banca Românească ATMs (with the card included in the package);
  • Cash withdrawals from other national bank ATMs (with the card included in the package);
  • interbank receipt fee in RON;
  • mini-statement at Exim Banca Românească ATMs.

For the remaining operations carried out through the current account included in the Package, which are not free or discounted in the Package, the Fee List for individuals applies.

Transactional limits**, using the debit Mastercard Standard START:   

Daily maximum cash withdrawal amount at ATM National: 50 RON
International: 10 EURO
Weekly maximum cash withdrawal amount at ATM National: 350 RON
International: 70 EURO
Monthly maximum cash withdrawal amount at ATM National: 1.500 RON
International: 300 EURO
Maximum cash withdrawal amount at POS merchants per transaction In accordance with Law no. 191/2018
Maximum amount for purchases National: 200 RON

International: 40 EURO

 ** The transaction limits can be modified by the account holder by completing the card issuance request or through a subsequent request.