Relaxed credit

You feel relaxed when you take a credit with lower interest.

  • Advantages
  • Interest and fees
  • Eligibility criteria


Why the Relaxed Credit for Personal Needs?

  • You benefit of money you do not have to justify and which you can use as you wish;
  • Simple and quick to get, without income certificate, only based on your identity document and NAFA accord;
  • No management fee;
  • No real estate guarantee;
  • You can use it also for refinancing;
  • Lower interest rates if you collect your salary or pension with us;
  • You get immediate answer with the maximum amount you can obtain.**

**the maximum amount that can be obtained relies on an estimated calculation based on the data declared in the credit application. The answer is not the final bank’s financing decision. The final financing decision will be communicated after the presentation of all the required documents and the credit analysis.

Product Characteristics
Minimal amount RON 2,000
Maximal amount RON 110,000 – with insurance
RON 150,000 – without insurance
Maximum period 60 months

Interest and fees


Relaxed credit – with insurance CCB value (%) Margin (%) Interest (%) APRC* (%)
With income collection 5.66 5.00 10.66 13.45
Without income collection 5.66 6.50 12.16 15.17

*APRC is calculated for a credit worth RON  110,000, for a 5 years period.

For a loan worth RON 50,000 for a 5 years period, with income collection, with insurance and reimbursement in equal installments, the analysis fee is RON 200, the monthly account management fee is 5 RON and the cost of insurance is 2,063.40  RON. The APR is 13.69%, the value of the monthly installment of 1,078.66 RON, and the total amount payable is 67,283.23 RON.

Relaxed credit – without insurance CCB value (%) Margin (%) Interest (%) APRC* (%)
With income collection 5.66 5.00 10.66 11.33
Without income collection 5.66 6.50 12.16 13.00

*APRC is calculated for a credit worth RON 150,000, for a 5 years period.

For a credit worth RON 50,000 for a 5 years period, with income collection, without insurance and repayment in equal instalments, the analysis fee is RON 200, the monthly account management is RON 5. APR is 11.61%, the value of monthly instalment is RON 1,078.66, and the total value to be paid is RON 65,219.83.


File analysis fee RON 200
Monthly credit management fee 0%
Early repayment fee 0%
Unique fee for services performed upon consumer’s request RON 250
Insurance cost 4.1268% of the approved amount, fully paid in on credit granting from own sources, or from the credit

Other costs to be paid by the client

  • Registration fee with the National Registry of Movable Property – the cost differs depending on the taxes and fees charged by the operators/agencies for the registration with the National Registry of Movable Property.

Eligibility criteria

You can apply for a credit if:

  • You are a Romanian citizen residence in Romania and who obtains income in Romania (or income from the activity performed as sailor and/or from other hierarchic categories of the same activity type);
  • You are between 24 years old and 70 years old (at the end of the lending period);
  • The monthly income per application should be multiple of RON 600, proportional to the number of family members, but not less than RON 1,600.

Several types of income are accepted: salaries, pensions, income from freelancing, income from copyrights, etc.

To find details about the types of accepted income, approach a sales consultant in our units!