
Do you want to permanently have at your disposal a sum of money for unforeseen expenses?

The solution is simple: the Overdraft.

  • Advantages
  • Interests and fees
  • Eligibility criteria


  • You can quickly get up to 6 salaries;
  • Simple and quickly obtained, without income certificate, only based on your identity document and NAFA accord;
  • Currency: RON;
  • 0% monthly management fee;
  • 0 file analysis fee;
  • 0 unique fee for services performed upon the borrower’s request;
  • You can come with your husband/wife as co-debtor;
  • You can use the overdraft funds at any moment, using the current account or the debit card with no justification;
  • The interest is calculated only at the value of used amounts;
  • You can benefit of multiple discounts in partner shops and locations.
Characteristics RON
Minimal limit 2,000
Maximal limit 40,000

Interests and fees


Currency Reference index Value of reference index (%) Margin (%) Variable interest (%) Total payment*  APRC (%)
RON IRCC 5.66 7.00 12.66 5,480.64 13,42

*Example of an estimated calculation, considering the full use of a credit limit of RON 5,367 and its reimbursement in 3 months.

The interest rate is variable and quarterly revised on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, October 1st, considering the consumer credit benchmark (IRCC) value calculated by NBR at the end of each quarter, according to the calculation methodology regulated by GEO 19/2019 and published on NBR’s website on the last working day of the quarter.


File analysis fee RON 0
Monthly credit management fee 0%
Unique fee for services performed upon consumer’s request RON 0

Eligibility criteria

You can apply for the facility if:

  • You are a Romanian citizen, with residence in Romania and obtain income in Romania;
  • You are at least 25 years old and not more than 60 at the moment of the facility granting;
  • The monthly income is a multiple of RON 600, proportional to the number of family members, but not less RON 1,600;
  • You have a seniority at work of minimum 3 months with the current employer;
  • You collect your salary in an account opened with us.


The Insurance – Reinsurance company Exim Romania specializes in covering financial risks both for export operations and internal commercial transactions.

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