Mastercard Gold Credit Card

Mastercard Gold credit card: special benefits and selected privileges.

  • Advantages
  • Smart Installments
  • Eligibility
  • Documents
  • Costs
  • Assistance
  • How does it work?
  • Exchange rates
  • MasterCard Lounge


Come to our branches, choose Mastercard Gold and fully enjoy its benefits

  • Program Smart Installments with 0% interest rate and 0% activation commission for purchases* worth at least RON 200, up to 12 installments with any merchant in the country and abroad.
  • The most generous period of grace, of up to 61 days, during which you do not pay interest for your purchases.
  • Priceless Cities, a program full of surprising experiences in over 40 cities all over the world by simply registering and reserving on the platform.
  • The program MasterCard Premium & Business dedicated to premium cardholders, which offer benefits and special discounts in partner locations all over the country, in fields such as Fashion, Garments, Jewelries, Beauty, Deco, Hobby and Travels.
  • The SMS Alert service, through which you get FREE of charge and in real time on your personal phone, information about authorized transactions (shopping and cash withdrawals made by card).
  • The card is automatically enrolled in the Mastercard SecureCode™ service so that you can pay safely online.
  • For increased security, download for free from Google Play or App Store the EximPay biometric authentication application, through which you can authorize transactions made on Internet.
  • Various reimbursement methods, including the comfortable auto-debit option. How does it work? Open a current account, fund it and the bank automatically withdraws on the due date the minimum payment amount or the total amount due, as you wish.
  • FREE access to the account statement on-line through Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking or in physical format at your correspondence address.
  • Free access, limited to 2 entries/year/airport to Mastercard Business Lounge in Henri Coanda airport of Bucharest, Traian Vuia Airport of Timisioara, Sibiu Airport and Vienna International Airport.

*transactions such as money transfers, money send transactions, top-up and to Cripto traders are excluded.


Complete insurance package for the holders of the main cards domiciled and resident in Romania and of up to 65 years old, offered FOR FREE, and including:

–persons’ insurance for accidents, with coverage in Romania, as well as on the territory of other countries (except for the conflict zones);

– legal civil liability coverage in Romania, as well as on the territory of other countries (except for USA, Canada, Japan, conflict zones);

– luggage insurance during travels in Romania and abroad;

– insurance against travel documents theft/loss by covering the costs of their replacement/remaking, with coverage in Romania and abroad;

– insurance for shoppings made by card and price protection (price difference), valid on Romania’s territory for the goods bought on Romania’s territory.

Cardholders accident insurance information document

Terms of insurance cardholders

Cerificate insurance cardholders


Smart Installments

Use the Smart Card for shopping and enjoy Smart Instalments without interest!

How can you benefit from shopping instalments?

You can request by phone an installment plan or you can activate the automatic installments payment service without interest for purchases of minimum RON 200 made in the country or abroad (including on-line).

Depending on the merchant’s type, you can choose the desired number of no interest installments or cost activation installments plan from a pre-defined installments range, set up by the bank:

You can request the installment plan activation by calling the Clients Assistance Service at 021.304.81.00.

There are two possibilities:

  • Manual option through which you choose the purchase which you want to repay in installments. You have to call each time the Clients Assistance Service at 021.304.81.00 after the shopping registration in the credit card account, so that the bank’s representative can activate the desired instalments plan. By a single call you can activate several installment plans.
  • Automatic option gives you the chance to activate, before making the shopping, the service through which for all the purchases of minimum RON 200 the Bank will apply the adequate Installments Plan. You can call any time the Clients Assistance Service at 021.304.81.00 to cancel this service.

The number of available instalments by calling the Clients Assistance Service are:

Purchase value Manual option Automatic option
Between RON  200 – RON 799 3 instalments 3 instalments
Between RON 800 – RON 1,999 3 or 6 instalments 6 instalments
Between RON 2,000 – RON 4,999 3 or 6 or 12 instalments 12 instalments
Over RON 5,000 3 or 6 or 12 or 24 instalments 12 instalments


The activation cost of the Installments Plan is applied to the value of the initial transaction and is included in the monthly installment value, as follows:

Instalments plan Manual option Automatic option
3/6/12 0% 0%
24 24% Not applicable

You have, at any moment, the chance to cancel an installments plan; the applied cost is of RON 20/cancelled plan.

Conditions for the manual activation of installments plan are:

  • The purchase should be worth at least RON 200
  • You should not have overdue payments on the request moment
  • The credit card should not be blocked or closed on the request moment
  • The activation request should NOT be made later than the issuance of the account statement following the one including the purchase
  • The purchase should not be fully paid in on the request moment
  • You should have cash available in the account, covering the value of activation cost
  • Transactions such as money transfers, money send transactions, top-up and to Cripto traders are excluded.
  • The transaction value and the total value of the activation fee of the installments plan should not exceed the value of the granted credit limit

What else you should know

  • Installments payment does not apply to cash withdrawals, fund transfers and payments to Cripto traders.
  • You can monthly consult the account statement to see the value of the monthly installment, the minimal payment amount, which also includes the installment value, as well as the number of left installments to pay.
  • The active installment plans can be cancelled anytime by a call to the Clients Assistance Service
  • A cancelled installments plan CANNOT be reactivated
  • If you chose automatic installments, you could NO longer request manually activated installment plans
  • You can benefit from both installments payment options (directly at the merchant or by calling at 021.304.81.00  Clients Assistance Service).


You can have a Mastercard Gold credit card if:

  • you are a Romanian citizen, residing in Romania and you have an income in Romania (or income from the activity carried out as a sailor and/ or from other hierarchical categories from the same type of activity),
  • you are between 24 and 70 years old,
  • your cumulated income is a multiple of RON 600, proportional to the number of family members, but not less than RON 3,000,
  • you are an employee and you have seniority at your current job of at least 3 months. Other categories of income are also accepted. To find out what the accepted income categories, approach a consultant in our branches.

You can have a Mastercard Gold credit card without meeting the above criteria if you establish a guarantee type collateral deposit.

Credit limits

  • The minimal credit limit: RON 6,000 /RON 4,000 in case of credit cards secured by a collateral deposit;
  • The maximal credit limit: RON 75,000 /RON 100,000 in case of credit cards secured by a collateral deposit.

For more information: Clients Assistance Service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, telephone number +4021.304.81.00.


  • Identity document,
  • Credit card issuance application,
  • NAFA accord,

NEW!!! For the MasterCard credit card secured by a collateral deposit you only need the identity document.

You can get more information on the credit card from the Bank by calling the Clients Assistance Service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, telephone number +4 021.304.81.00.


Cost type Standard costs (RON)
Card supply (issuance) on activation of the newly issued card Principal: 0
Additional: 0
Annual cost, charged when activating the newly issued card and later every year Principal: 150
Additional: 0
Interest rate for Transactions by Card with Merchants and for the Card related Costs 25.67%
Interest rate for Transactions by Card with ATM/POS in view of getting cash 28.67%
Card blockage Principal: 0
Additional: 0
Re-issuance of lost/stolen card/ fraud suspicion/name change Principal: 0
Additional: 0
Re-issuance of damaged card Principal: 0
Additional: 0
Supply of monthly account statement/activation of view option of credit card account statement through Internet Banking application, on request 0
Use of ATM BROM to withdraw cash 0
Use of ATM/POS from other banks to withdraw cash National: 0
International: 0
Shopping with merchants National: 0
International: 0
Emergency card replacement National: 15
Card recovery National: 15
International: EUR 15-160, according to the tariff charged by the organization under whose logo the card is issued
Unjustified payment refuse 60
Card/PIN delivery fee in Romania 15
PIN change at ATM 0
PIN re-issuance 0
Balance inquiry at ATM/ATM of other bank 1
Mini account statement at ATM 1
Foreign currency exchange margin 2%
Penalty for the unauthorized  exceeding of

Credit Limit

5% of the amount above the limit
Daily limits of national/international transactions Cash withdrawal: 5000
Shopping with merchants: national 30,000 lei and international 6,000 euro
Activation instalments plan Payments directly POS or on internet: RON 0
By calling Clients Assistance Service:

Maximum number of instalments Cost activation instalments plan*
3 0%
6 0%
12 0%
24 24%

*Activation cost related to instalments plan is applied to the purchase value.

Cancellation of instalments plan 20
SMS Alert Service 0
Cancellation of SMS Alert Service 0

Example of an estimated calculation, taking into account the full use of a credit limit of RON 6,000 and its reimbursement in 12 months:

Transaction type Variable interest* Annual fee APRC* Total payment
Shopping CCB (5.66%) + margin (20.01%) =25.67% RON 150 35.36% 7,016,59 RON
Cash withdrawals CCB (5.66%) + margin (23.01%) =28.67% 39.43% 7,122.06 RON

*The interest and APRC are calculated according to CCB (IRCC) value published on December 31th, 2024, which is quarterly changed. 



Description Call center Branch ATM
Activation/cancellation of instalment plans *
Activation/cancellation/change of SMS Alert service * *
Blockage and replacement of lost/stolen card or in case of fraud suspicion *
Damaged card replacement/name change *
Re-issuance PIN password * *
Change of PIN password *
Temporary card blockage/unblockage *
Card unblockage after wrong PIN password use *
Activation/deactivation of self-debit function *
Activation/deactivation of the possibility to conduct transactions on Internet *
Updating demographic data *
Change of trading limits *
Balance inquiry * *
Issuance mini account statement (minimal due amount) *
Information request on account posted transactions, authorized, unauthorized *
Information on  card functionalities, card benefits * * *

You can notify the Insurer about the occurrence of an insured event at the telephone numbers or on e-mail:

  • (+40) (between 9.00h-17.30h, during working days)
  • email:;
  • Insurer’s address: 33, Aviatorilor Boulevard, ground floor, District 1, Bucharest (between 9.00h-17.30h, during working days).

The Insurer’s notification is done immediately after the event occurred/you are aware of it, but not later than 48 hours since the event occurred/you are aware of it, if your health condition allows it. If you cannot notify the Insurer due to your medical condition, you have to announce us immediately when your medical condition allows it. The notification of the Insurer can also be made by your representative.

You have the obligation to present and to send the Insurer all the requested documents and information, which certify the occurrence of the insured event, as well as the information required for the assessment and payment of the insurance compensation and allowance.

How does it work?

  • You can use the credit card to pay the purchases done at merchants or online, as well as at ATM to get cash.
  • The minimum amount due monthly is 3% of the credit used (including monthly installments), plus commissions and interests, but not less than RON 20 and without exceeding the total amount due. The minimum amount due must be paid no later than the due date mentioned in the statement of account.
  • In order to benefit from the grace period for purchases, you must pay at least the minimum amount due by the due date and you must pay the total amount due by the end of the month following that in which the respective purchases were made.
  • The account statement is delivered FOR FREE  by e-mail, on-line through Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking, at the branch or by postal services.
  • You can get from any bank’s ATM  a mini statement of account with the latest 10 transactions performed.
  • You get a free SMS monthly with information regarding the minimal due amount and the due date.

How can you pay?

  • cash deposits at any bank’s branch,
  • bank transfer,
  • using the Bank’s ATMs, by transfer from the debit card account into the MasterCard Standard card account,
  • using the Internet Banking service, by electronic payment order,
  • using the self-debit service. Meaning, open a current account, feed it and the bank is automatically withdrawing on the due date the minimal or the total due amount, as you wish.

From now on, you can get the monthly statement of account of your credit card FOR FREE by E-mail! You only have to request the option activation by calling to Clients Assistance Service – 021.304.81.00.

The credit card statement of account can be viewed on the Internet Banking Application.

You do not have Internet Banking? Pay us a visit at any bank’s branch and you can get it on the spot.

Exchange rates

At the time of performing the operations abroad, the currency exchange between the currency of the transaction and the reference currency of MasterCard International, is performed by MasterCard Int. at the rate unilaterally established by the organization and available for public consultation on the organization’s website:

In order to debit the Account in RON, the Bank will use the exchange rate set by MasterCard available for public consultation on MasterCard’s website https: // or on any website that will replace it.

We also inform you that in order to avoid the conversion fee retained by the accepting bank for cash withdrawal transactions or for traders, outside the country, you must select at the ATM or POS, when the conversion message appears, the local currency (and not RON).

MasterCard Lounge

  • free access, within the limit of 2 entrances/per year, to the Mastercard Business Lounge from Henri Coanda airport in Bucharest, Traian Vuia in Timisoara, Sibiu airport, Avram Iancu airport in Cluj-Napoca and Vienna International Airports;
  • easy access to the lounge, by simply presenting the GoldMastercard, accompanied by an identity card and boarding card;
  • relaxing and comforting environment, snacks and soft drinks, equipment and internet access, smoking area;
  • access to all Gold Mastercard cards that are valid, are not blocked, declared lost or stolen, or that cannot be used for payment transactions;
  • the World Mastercard cardholder has access if they make and settle card transactions of at least 4,500 lei at POS in physical or online stores, in the last 30 days and up to a maximum of 96 hours before requesting access to the salon;
  • for more information about the benefits of Mastercard Premium Business Lounge Access program, you can consult the rules and conditions right here.